Wearable Sculptures

Emptiness is an illusion. Neuroimagery has shown that the brain’s default mode is not “nothing”. There is an activity in regions linked to thinking about the past, thinking about the future and introspection. Mind wandering in our own labyrinth. Terrain of discoveries and building space for our values. At the end of that Labyrinth, what is left ? The Core. A form made from interconnected octogones. Symbols of rebirth. A passage. Transition between the square and the circle, between the material and the spiritual. Simplification of a human being, a nervous cell and a crossroad. First, a value, building itself up like a fractal and trying to reach nature’s complexity. Blueprint of a becoming Self grasping for structure in the abstract spectrum of time. Evolving. Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem. Concrete as a metaphor of foundation. Combustion as a manifestation of sublimation. Paradoxical simplicity of knowing one's self. De-Struct. Merge. Allegory of the Architecture of Values.

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